
Tamburaški Orkestar Kardinal Stepinac

Preserving rich Croatian culture
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Our objective is to gather Croatian girls and boys and teach them how to play the beautiful Croatian instrument "tamburica". By performing various folklore choreographies, accompanied by tamburica, the rich Croatian culture and traditions are preserved and passed on to younger generations.

Tamburaški Orkestar Kardinal Stepinac

Tamburica Orchestra Kardinal Stepinac (TOKS) was founded in the fall of 1983, under the leadership of father Ante Jurić, Ivica Abramović, and Emil Plečko. With the objective of gathering young Croatian girls and boys in order to teach them how to play the tamburica, 30 years have passed since the first group was assembled. Since then, the sound of the tamburica can be heard from the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church hall every Monday night, where generations of TOKS members have, and continue to, conduct weekly rehearsals. Over the years the group has evolved from being solely a tamburica orchestra into a folklore ensemble, learning and performing klapa singing and traditional songs and dances accompanied by tamburica playing.

Today, TOKS is comprised of 30 members in the Orchestra, and has over 20 members in their tamburica school, where students learn music theory and how to play the instrument, all under the direction of current Orchestra members. In addition, TOKS takes pride in the collective effort of all member families in preserving Croatia’s culture, and include family members in performances and other aspects of the production each year.

As one of the few ensembles in Canada whose performers all play, sing, and dance, TOKS has had the pleasure of spreading Croatian culture at various gatherings across North America, performing at festivals in Vancouver, Seattle, Montreal, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and cities across Western Canada at yearly Canadian Croatian Folklore Festivals.

After thirty years, TOKS maintains its dedication to assembling Croatian youth through music and spreading Croatian culture across North America, while continuing to proudly carry the name of Blessed Kardinal Alojzije Stepinac.


Croatian Canadian Folklore Federation West

Croatian Canadian Folklore Federation WestWe are members of the Croatian Canadian Folklore Federation West which promotes, enhances and preserves Croatian folklore ensuring cultural awareness within Canadian context.

Calendar Of Events

Every Monday: Tamburica, Klapa & Kolo, 7pm, Croatian Church Hall
Every Tuesday: Tamburica Škola, 7-8pm, Croatian Centre
Next Fest: Calgary, May 20-22, 2016